The Church of the Ark of the Covenant in Kiryat Yearim image
The "Church of the Ark of the Covenant" in Kiryat Yearim, Israel, is a place of religious significance.
Also known as the "Shrine of the Book," it is believed to be the site where the Ark of the Covenant was kept for some time during biblical times.
The Ark of the Covenant is an important religious artifact in Judaism, containing the tablets with the Ten Commandments. According to the Bible, the Ark was kept in various locations before being eventually brought to Jerusalem.
Built in 1924, this church is said to be on the site where the Ark of the Covenant remained for 20 years in the ancient town of Kiryat Yearim. A statue of Mary holding Jesus in her arms towers above the structure and can be seen across the village. The Byzantines built a church on the same site in the 5th century, and pieces of floor mosaic and other telltale leftovers give this sanctuary a patina far richer than its age. The church is on the property of the Notre Dame Arche D'Alliance monastery and is surrounded by gardens offering views of the village below. The church is closed for renovations through October 2023, but during this period, visitors are still allowed to tour the grounds and stay overnight in the 30-room guesthouse. (part of the information was taken from: FODOR'S EXPERT REVIEW)