The Old City of Jerusalem is a historic and religiously significant area located in the heart of modern-day Jerusalem. It is surrounded by walls and divided into four quarters: the Jewish Quarter, the Christian Quarter, the Muslim Quarter, and the Armenian Quarter. 
The Old City is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is considered one of the most important cultural and religious destinations in the world.
The Old City is home to several significant religious sites for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Some of the notable landmarks within the Old City include:
  1. Western Wall (Wailing Wall): This is the holiest site in Judaism and is a remnant of the ancient Jewish Temple Mount.
  2. Church of the Holy Sepulchre: This is one of the most important Christian sites in the world, believed to be the place where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and resurrected.
  3. Dome of the Rock: This iconic Islamic shrine is located on the Temple Mount and is revered as the place from where Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.
  4. Al-Aqsa Mosque: Situated adjacent to the Dome of the Rock, Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the holiest sites in Islam.
  5. Tower of David: This ancient citadel offers panoramic views of Jerusalem and houses a museum that showcases the city's history.
  6. Via Dolorosa: The path that Jesus is believed to have walked on his way to the crucifixion, it is a significant pilgrimage route for Christians.
Aside from the religious sites, the Old City of Jerusalem is also known for its narrow streets, bustling markets, and rich cultural heritage.
It is a vibrant place where different cultures, traditions, and religions intersect.

It's important to note that the status of Jerusalem is a complex and politically sensitive topic, and there have been ongoing disputes and conflicts surrounding the Old City and its religious sites for many years.

Israel, as a democratic country, upholds the principle of religious freedom and officially recognizes and protects the rights of individuals to practice their respective religions. 
The Israeli government has taken measures to safeguard religious sites and facilitate worship for various religious communities.